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These posts document FOIA request/responses between a retail investor and the SEC. All interactions are PDF letters best viewed on a desktop browser.


This request is for a transcript, meeting minutes, or a transcription of an electronic recording disclosing the identity of each speaker of the closed SEC meeting on May 13, 2021 @ 2 PM. I filed this request after a strange series of events transpired in 2021: April 13, 2021 Commissioner Hester Peirce releases Token Safe Harbor Proposal 2.0 statement - github May 11, 2021 An article titled “The Future Of Tokenized Stocks - What They Can Replace And What To Watch Out For” was released....

October 12, 2021


The SEC gathers and publishes information about institutional owners of stocks but provides no information about retail ownership. I submitted this request seeking information about retail ownership of GameStop. I received a canned response telling me to search company filings. This request/response triggered a more detailed 22-02530-FOIA, which was appealed. Acknowledgement Letter Response

April 20, 2022


This request is for costs associated with the four-part “Investomania” video series the SEC produced: Crypto, Margin, Easy Money, Meme Stocks. This series came out at the wrong time, about three months after Gary Gensler appeared on The Problem and mentioned SEC staffers taking donations for coffee in the office. The SEC acknowledged this request on June 1st and responded on September 20th. 111 days. 76 work days. The response documents show the SEC spent $366,205 on production and advertising for this series....

June 1, 2022


This request is for very specific data about GameStop shares. This request was filed as the response to 22-01697-FOIA was specific about what was requested. This request received a canned response that did not answer any questions or provide records. This request was appealed. Acknowledgement Letter Response

July 18, 2022


This appeal challenged the response of 22-02530-FOIA. The response stated the request was not seeking records and FOIA was not an appropriate venue for questions. The appeal response partially agreed with the FOIA office, but did provide some information. Highlight: In considering your appeal, I have determined that two parts of your request properly seek SEC records: (1) your request for a “count or count estimates of shares of GameStop held by retail investors;” and (2) your request for “a list of broker-dealers responsible for the transactions that have failed to deliver....

August 12, 2022


This appeal challenged the lack of timely response to 22-02101-FOIA. The Freedom of Information Act has a 20 day statutory time period for requests. This appeal was filed 56 business days after the request was acknowledged. Acknowledgement Letter Decision

August 22, 2022


This meta request is for emails relating to 22-00069-FOIA. After multiple FOIA request/response cycles, the initial 22-00069-FOIA interaction felt off. I was interested in internal communications on why the FOIA office denied the initial request. This request is unanswered. It was appealed 41 business days after this request was acknowledged. Acknowledgement Letter

September 28, 2022


This request is identical to 22-00069-FOIA but submitted a year later. This request resulted in the same response as 22-00069-FOIA but was appealed. Acknowledgement Letter Final Response

September 28, 2022


This appeal challenged the response of 22-03086-FOIA. This request was identical 22-00069-FOIA but was submitted a year later. This appeal response states the FOIA office needed to review the records adequately. This appeal remended the request to the FOIA office. Acknowledgement Letter Decision

October 11, 2022


Gary Gensler has another interview with Jon Stewart and pretends to be uninformed about retail investors directly registering their GameStop shares. I requested “any and all emails to, from, cc’d, or bcc’d with Gary Genser containing keywords ‘computershare’ or ‘DRS’”. There has yet to be a response to this request. This request was appealed twice for not having a response in a timely manner. Acknowledgement Letter

October 14, 2022


This request is for various documents relating to FTX tokenized stocks. FTX filed for chapter 11 on Nov 11, 2022 and this FOIA was acknowledged on Nov 15, 2022. Acknowledgement Letter

November 15, 2022


This request is for any SEC investigations into FTX tokenized stocks. FTX filed for chapter 11 on Nov 11, 2022 and this FOIA was acknowledged on Nov 15, 2022. This request was quickly rejected and then appealed. Acknowledgement Letter Response

November 15, 2022


This appeal challenged the lack of timely response to 23-00095-FOIA. The Freedom of Information Act has a 20 day statutory time period for requests. This appeal was filed 22 business days after the request was acknowledged. Acknowledgement Letter Decision

November 15, 2022


This appeal challenged the lack of timely response to 22-03087-FOIA. The Freedom of Information Act has a 20 day statutory time period for requests. This appeal was filed 41 business days after the request was acknowledged. This appeal is unanswered. Acknowledgement Letter

November 30, 2022


This appeal challenged the response of 23-00321-FOIA. The General Counsel confirmed the office correctly withheld records due to an ongoing investigation. Highlight: I have determined that the FOIA Officer correctly asserted Exemption 7(A). There is a two-step test to determine whether information is protected under Exemption 7(A), whether: (1) a law enforcement proceeding is pending or prospective, and (2) release of information about it could reasonably be expected to cause some articulable harm....

December 5, 2022


This appeal challenged the lack of timely response to 23-00095-FOIA, yet again (previous appeal). After the first request was appealed the FOIA office stated a response would be ready by March 10, 2023. Acknowledgement Letter Decision

December 20, 2022


It has been quite a saga searching for information about a closed Commission meeting. Steps to get to this remend: Submit 22-00069-FOIA and get rejected (Oct 2021) Submit 22-03086-FOIA and get rejected (Sept 2022) Appeal 23-00004-APPS to get sent back to FOIA office (Oct 2022) Acknowledgement Letter Complex - Still Consulting Letter

December 20, 2022


I emailed Gary Gensler directly (chair@sec.gov) to ask for a timely response to 23-00095-FOIA. I received a generic response from the FOIA branch chief. I’ve sent previous emails to chair@sec.gov; this is the first one I have received a numbered response. Response

December 27, 2022